Taylor & Francis Online Provides access to more than 2,700 high-quality, cross-disciplinary journals spanning Humanities and Social Sciences, Science and Technology, Engineering, Medicine and Healthcare. Go to site Taylor & Francis eBooks One of the world’s largest collections of eBooks in science...
Explore journals and articles by subject Search and explore the millions of quality, peer-reviewed journal articles published under the Taylor & Francis, Routledge and Dove Medical Press imprints. Area Studies Arts Behavioral Sciences Bioscience Built Environment Communication Studies Computer ...
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Amyloid publishes basic and clinical research on amyloids and systemic and localized amyloidosis.The journal's scope and major areas of focus are: Etiology Epidemiology Genetics Pathogenesis, including chemical structure, fibrillogenesis and mechanism of disease Pathology Diagnosis, treatment and prognosis ...
and avenues of solution. Its primary audience is academics, as well as the practitioner at all levels of practice. The journal encourages dialogue between practitioners and academics to expand the scientific body of knowledge about all facets of marketing and advertising research, and to ‘to furthe...
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theory-based and embedded in a critical review of relevant literature. Manuscripts should include an account of the methodology and procedures used, explain the analysis carried out and the conclusions reached, draw implications for educational theory and practice, and point to possible future research...