Keywords Keywords_uk_eu_tax_file_number tax number tax file tax id tax identification no tax identification number tax no# tax no tax registration number taxid# taxidno# taxidnumber# taxno# taxnumber# taxnumber tin id tin no tin#
It is also known as a Tax Identification Number or Federal Taxpayer Identification Number. It may be assigned by the Social Security Administration or by the IRS (Internal Revenue Service). 年份: 2013 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 求助全文 Citeseer 相似文献...
TAGTailored Air Group(UK Royal Navy) TAGTroubles Anxieux Généralisés(French: Generalized Anxiety Disorder) TAGTechnical Advisory Group for Biological Control Agents of Weeds TAGThreat Advisory Group(various organizations) TAGTasmanian Association for the Gifted ...
United Kingdom (UK) - only structure If your country is not there, feel free to open an issue with your country code, and a link to the specification. Ideally, you can provide a pull request with the algorithm and the tests. Requirements ...
The function Func_uk_eu_tax_file_number finds content that matches the pattern. A keyword from Keywords_uk_eu_tax_file_number is found.XML Kopiuj <!-- U.K. Unique Taxpayer Reference Number --> <Entity id="ad4a8116-0db8-439a-b545-6d967642f0ec" patternsProximity="300" recommended...
The function Func_uk_eu_tax_file_number finds content that matches the pattern. A keyword from Keywords_uk_eu_tax_file_number is found.XML Αντιγραφή <!-- U.K. Unique Taxpayer Reference Number --> <Entity id="ad4a8116-0db8-439a-b545-6d967642f0ec" patternsProximity="...
The function Func_uk_eu_tax_file_number finds content that matches the pattern. A keyword from Keywords_uk_eu_tax_file_number is found.XML Копиране <!-- U.K. Unique Taxpayer Reference Number --> <Entity id="ad4a8116-0db8-439a-b545-6d967642f0ec" patternsProximity="300"...