State Local Tax
Tax amnesty has the potential to trigger the rotation of the wheels of the economy. Tax amnesty affects the state's revenue and the promotion of sustainable development. Positive impacts on economic development in Indonesia are: 1) Acceleration of economic growth and restructuring through asset ...
3.4. Tax Counseling According to the Circular Letter of the Director- General of Taxes Number: SE -98/PJ/2011 concerning guidelines for preparing work plans and reports on tax counseling activities for vertical units within the Directorate General of Taxes, tax counseling is defined as an effort...
Tax amnesty policies affect taxpayer compliance through motivation. Tax sanctions do not affect taxpayer compliance through motivation. Based on the results of these studies then the suggestion that can be given is the improvement of service to taxpayers to pay more attention to aspects of simplicity...
Effect of Tax Amnesty Program and Tax Compliance, State Revenue, and Corporate Taxpayer Performancedoi:10.24815/jr.v6i3.34360Kamaluddin, FaridahSetyowati, Milla SeplianaRiwayat: Educational Journal of History & Humanities
The participation of MSMEs in the tax amnesty program is stagnant. This research was conducted to determine the response of MSMEs Kampung Batik Semarang to the implementation of the tax amnesty policy. The research method used to achieve the goal is a descriptive analytical method. MSMEs have not...
Texas Taxpayer Amnesty Program 2012William F. Colgin, Jr
Personal Tax PayersSPT RefundsTax AmnestyThe Government through the Ministry of Finance of Indonesia has been running the tax amnesty program for six months, from June 2016 to December 2016 or better kBudi Tri RahardjoSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
TAX amnestyTAX return preparation industryTAX baseREGULATORY complianceTAXATIONTAXPAYER complianceTax is one of the success of the country's economy. Problems that occurred in 2015 Compliance in reporting taxes based on the provisions of the Indonesian Taxation Act is low. From y...