The COVID-19 pandemic has created a unique decision context with significant uncertainty caused by the novelty of the disease being targeted, unfamiliarity with the vaccines being offered, misinformation, and strong handed government measures. In an effort to extend our u...
今日,国际病毒分类委员会(InternationalCommittee on Taxonomy of Viruses, ICTV)宣布,新型冠状病毒(2019-nCoV)的正式分类名为严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒2(severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2,SARS-CoV-2)。而世界卫生组织(WHO)同日宣布,由这一病毒导致的疾病的正式名称为COVID-19。 国际病毒分类委员会...
new: [taxonomy] new current-events taxonomy covering covid-19 Mar 24, 2020 cyber-threat-framework chg: [numerical_value] Incremented version of taxonomies having num_val Nov 5, 2019 cycat chg: [cycat] updated Feb 6, 2021 cytomic-orion chg: fix directory name Mar 10, 2020 dark-web chg:...
The dataset used in Study 1 is accessible at (retrieved from Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, PsycInfo, PsyArXiv, ArXiv and MedrXiv). The dataset used in Study 2 is accessible at (retrieved from portal) Code...
Delta (B1.617.2) variant of SARS-CoV-2 induces severe neurotropic patterns in K18-hACE2 mice Article Open access 27 February 2023 Establishment of an African green monkey model for COVID-19 and protection against re-infection Article 24 November 2020 Introduction...
Numerous diagnostic methods based on molecular-biology techniques have been developed in the last two decades. Some have recently become popular because of their usefulness in diagnosing COVID-19 (Amaral et al.2021), such as LAMP (Loop-mediated isothermal amplification), developed for rapid amplifica...
mode1ing the socia1 inf1uence of covid 19 through persona1ized propagation with deep 1eaming Social influence prediction has permeated many domains, including marketing, behavior prediction, recommendation systems, and more. However, traditional me... Y Liu,· Jie Cao · Jia Wu · Dechang Pi...
Using Bloom's Digital Taxonomy as a framework to evaluate webcast learning experience in the context of Covid-19 pandemic Education and Information Technologies - Distance education has been the concern of educational institutions nowadays due to COVID 19 pandemic. The purpose... M Cogun Geyik -...
The field of Open Source Hardware Mechanical Ventilators (OSH-MVs) has seen a steep rise of contributions during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. As predictions showed that the number of patients would exceed current supply of hospital-grade ventilators, a number of formal (academia, the industry ...
serverless computing simplifies resource management and enables scalable and parallel execution. The paper emphasizes the application of serverless solutions in integrating and analyzing multiple omics data sources, particularly in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. But the reviewed article has the ...