The taxonomic position and Iberian distribution of these species are discussed. Two previously proposed synonymies are validated: Hydraena bisulcata Rey, 1884 (= H. berthelemyi Lagar et Fresneda, 1990) and H. barrosi d''Orchymont, 1934 (= H. valladaresi Lagar et Fresneda, 1990).doi:...
One consequence of this trend is that after more than 250 years of predominance of comparative morphology in species discovery, new methods and data--mainly molecular--are conquering a great piece of the realm of taxonomy. Although many taxonomists have received with joy the prospects of this n...
The taxonomy of the familyFiloviridae(marburgviruses and ebolaviruses) has changed several times since the discovery of its members, resulting in a plethora of species and virus names and abbreviations. The current taxonomy has only been partially accepted by most laboratory virologists. Confusion li...
Marine hydroids are important benthic components of shallow and deep waters worldwide, but their taxonomy is controversial because diagnostic morphological characters to categorize taxa are limited. Their genetic relationships are also little investigate
raniceps was elevated to species status, resulting in the confusion of M. raniceps being different from M. heliostemma. Mesolemmys wermuthi is a distinct species separate from M. raniceps; however, M. wermuthi is preceded by Hydraspis maculata, which was synonymized with M. raniceps ...
On the taxonomy of water mites (Acari, Hydracnidia) described from the Palaearctic, part 2. Hydrophantoidea and Lebertoidea. Zootaxa 2266: 1-34.Di Sabatino, A., Gerecke, R., Gledhill, T. & Smit, H. (2009) On the taxonomy of water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) described from the ...
Searle. A simple method for the preparation of hydra chromosome spreads: introducing chromosome counts into hydra taxonomy[J] 1985,Experientia(2):282~283A. Rahat,M. Rahat,J. B. Searle.A simple method for the preparation of hydra chromosome spreads: introducing chromosome counts into hydra ...
Integrative taxonomy reveals a new species of the water mite genus Monatractides K. Viets, 1926 from Corsica (Acari, Hydrachnidia: Torrenticolidae)New speciesDNA barcodingspecies delimitationFranceACTINEDIDAPIERSIGRECORDSSPRINGSFAMILYIn the present study, we use morphological data and DNA barcodes ...