aAmericans believe calling the United States a “Cowboy Culture” pays them the highest compliment. Americans love heroes and heroes have been in their consciousness and media more than any other countries. This paper focuses on reflection of heroism in Shawshank Redemption. It is chosen because ...
A female manatee is called a cow, while a male manatee is called a bull. During mating, cows are followed around by a dozen or more bulls. This group of bulls is called a mating herd. Once done mating, a bull does not concern itself anymore with the young manatee. Cows are pregnant...
Reads assignment to taxonomic units is a key step in microbiome analysis pipelines. To date, accurate taxonomy annotation of 16S reads, particularly at species rank, is still challenging due to the short size of read sequences and differently curated cla
Recent taxonomic treatments of the marine species vary, except for the recently described C. elegans, which appears to be more or less universally recognized. Swinscow (1965) applied a very broad species concept and included all variation in Arthopyrenia halodytes. ...
Effect of floor design in a dairy cow house on ammonia emission - Design, test and preliminary results with an experimental set-up for run off experiments Design characteristics, dirtiness and wetness of the floor in cow houses influence emissions of ammonia and the behaviour and claw health of...
similarity; semanticassociation;andarbitraryconvention.Theserepresentationstrategiesareinagreementwiththestrategiesidentifiedinprevious taxonomies.However,agreaternumberofsubcategoriesofthesestrategieswereidentified.Ourresultsalsoindicatethatthelexicalandsemantic attributesofaconceptinfluencethechoiceofrepresentation...
lacking.Here,weusedamuseumpreservedhornasasourceofDNAtodescribe,forthefirsttime,the completemitochondrialgenomeofthegiantsableantelope,andprovideinsightsintoitsevolutionary history.Readsgeneratedbyshotgunsequencingweremappedagainstthemitochondrialgenomeof commonsableantelopeandthenucleargenomesofcowandsheep.Phylogeneticre...
tions in the genome of B. taurus. The OrthoMaM database (Ranwez et al., 2007; http:// .orthomam.univ-montp2.fr/orthomam/html/) was used to edit a list of orthologous gene candidates using the sequences available for cow, dog and horse. We then chose several genes lo- ...
Lipopeptides are bacterial metabolites consisting of a peptide part attached to a fatty acid tail [1]. Most beneficial LPs are cyclized although linear LPs have also been described [20,21]. LPs have drawn remarkable interest because of their broad-spectrum antimicrobial and ecological functions. The...
Commonly used organic fertilizers are animal manures such as cow dung, and inorganic ones usually contain a combination of urea and triple superphosphate (TSP) [38]. When fertilizers are added to the system it is important to monitor and control the application. Fertilizers can decrease the ...