The taxonomy of the fungi that produce human infections and that develop asexual fruiting bodies in culture has become very complex. Recent molecular studies have produced dramatic changes in their classification. Currently, the coelomycetes traditionally included in Sphaeropsidales and Melanconiales ...
For many decades, the precisetaxonomicclassification of the giant panda was under debate because it shares characteristics with both bears and raccoons. WikiMatrix Based on the fossil record, the background rate of extinctions on Earth is about two to fivetaxonomicfamilies of marine animals every mi...
Results have shown that: Firstly, the bacterial community of these samples have very different taxonomical structures, not only between two lakes but also among the intra-groups for samples collected from Dianchi. Secondly, the differences between samples from two lakes are highly associated with the...
Taxonomical Evaluation of Phoma: History of Classification, Current Status and Future Directionsdoi:10.1007/978-3-030-81218-8_2The genus Phoma is a cosmopolitan group of fungi and has always been considered as one of the largest fungal genera. Initially, it comprised more than 3000 taxa. Such ...
According to the investigated result, colored slides and classification for the common and new to Korea 101 species were completed among 620 spp. which were known all of the fungi in Korea. They were included 10 oders, 19 families, 51 genera and 101 species. Their world distributions were ...
Summary The taxonomy of the fungi that produce human infections and that develop asexual fruiting bodies in culture has become very complex. Recent molecular studies have produced dramatic changes in their classification. Currently, the coelomycetes traditionally included in Sphaeropsidales and Melancon...
Screening of prokaryotic genomes demonstrated that the occurrence of the RIP domain extends well beyond the classical Shiga toxin family. Moreover, it appears that besides in plants and bacteria genes with a RIP domain also occur in fungi and insects. Concomitant with the identification of numerous...