,不管处哪一个分类阶层(taxonomic rank),称此群体为分类群。来自“http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=分类单元&old… zh.wikipedia.org|基于10个网页 3. 分类等级 分类单位是“任何分类等级(taxonomic rank)中的一类生物,这类生物是足够独特的(与众不同)值得予以命名和指定到某一 … ...
Taxonomic rank 添加到生词本 用户正在搜索 disbowel,disbranch,disbud,disbudding,disburden,disbursable,disbursal,disburse,disbursement,disburser, 相似单词 3G,401(K),a, 用户正在搜索 discardable,discarded,discards,discarnate,discase,disc-based,Discellaceae,discept,discern,discernable,...
In biological classification,taxonomic rankis the relative level of a group of organisms (a taxon) in a taxonomic hierarchy. 在生物分类法中,分类级别(英语:taxonomic rank)是在分类学等级制度中的层次 (相对位置)。 LASER-wikipedia2 The trend to move groups down intaxonomic rankhas been taken further...
一组生物的分类阶元. Entity["TaxonomicRank",name]or 表示类型为"TaxonomicRank"的实体. [prop] 给出指定属性的值. [{propi,…}] 给出属性列表的值. EntityClass["TaxonomicRank",{propispeci,…}] 表示实体类,其中propi的值由speci定义.
The taxonomic structure can now be represented formally as taxonomic or phylogenetic groups of OTUs, with appropriate indications of their status. Thustaxonomic rankscan be defined and named. There are some problems, because objective criteria for rank or for cladal status are not well developed, ...
A taxon is usually assigned a taxonomic rank (in a hierarchy), usually when it is given its formal name. The basic rank is that of species. The next most important rank is that of genus: if an organism is given a species name it will at the same time be assigned to a genus, as ...
This chapter describes the main principles underlying the delineation of the higher ranks (phylum-class-order-family) and discusses the finding that not all taxa related at the same rank are comparable units in terms of intrataxon genetic relatedness. Special attention is given to the species rank...
其中nodes.dmp来自taxdump.tar.gz 报错: Error: Invalid taxonomic rank. 解决办法: 更新diamond版本,原来diamond为0.9.3.1,更新为v2.0.15得以解决。 下载链接为https://github.com/bbuchfink/diamond/releases/(请务必下载与taxdump相匹配的版本)
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This chapter describes the main principles underlying the delineation of the higher ranks (phylum-class-order-family) and discusses the finding that not all taxa related at the same rank are comparable units in terms of intrataxon genetic relatedness. Special attention is given to the species rank...