Hawksworth DL, Boluda CG, Belyaeva-Chamberlain et al (2020) The enigma of Link’sSphaeria ericophila: nomenclature, taxonomy, molecular phylogeny, and implications for the placement ofMetacapnodium. J Fungal Res 18:235–45 He F, Lin B, Sun JZ et al (2013)Knufia aspidiotussp. nov., a...
It can also be isolated from the human intestinal tract, including the oral cavity (Zheng et al., 2020). From the 1930s until recently (Table 6) a dominant NSLAB isolated from cheese in New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States was Lpb. plantarum (Peterson and Marshall, ...
This number is similar to that of yeast, but less than humans and plants (Table 1). Other stramenopiles including H. arabidopsidis and T. pseudonana have even fewer predicted STE kinases (five or six), and these are absent from the apicomplexans P. falciparum and T. gondii[37]. When ...
The species is one of the basic units of biological classification. Both species concepts and recognition are essential topics in taxonomic studies and other biological research. In the first part of this review, we briefly discuss the taxonomic history of the class Dothideomycetes. In the second p...
When the taxonomic term precedes the name, the taxonomic term is written in lowercase, as in “kingdom Bacteria.” Names of taxa at the rank of family and above are treated as plural, while names of taxa for genus and below are treated as singular. The family Micrococcaceae are… The ...
Also presented is a taxonomic outline of the fungi treated as a kingdom and based on an expanded hierarchy using superranks.doi:10.2307/3759134Royall T. MooreNew York Botanical GardenMycologiaMoore, R. T. 1978a. Taxonomic significance of septal ultras- tructure with particular reference to the ...
Thus, dosage-insensitive genes may be shared by chance in single copy when comparing a few plant genomes, but in general would vary greatly in copy number throughout the plant kingdom. As the number of surveyed genomes increases, we predict that the number of dosage-insensitive genes in the...
[9]. Thus, dosage-insensitive genes may be shared by chance in single copy when comparing a few plant genomes, but in general would vary greatly in copy number throughout the plant kingdom. As the number of surveyed genomes increases, we predict that the number of dosage-insensitive genes ...
D Vu,M Groenewald,M de Vries,T Gehrmann,B Stielow,U Eberhardt,A Al-Hatmi,JZ Groenewald,G Cardinali,J Houbraken,T Boekhout,PW Crous,V Robert,GJM Verkley,Large-scale generation and analysis of filamentous fungal DNA barcodes boosts coverage for kingdom fungi and reveals thresholds for fungal...
we apply an integrative approach using morphological and molecular data as well as ecological features wherever applicable. Notes on 112 fungal taxa are compiled in this paper includingBiatriosporaceaeandRoussoellaceae,Didysimulansgen. nov., 81 new species, 18 new host records and new country reco...