Of them, autochthonous species make up 41.3%, introduced species – 52.4%. 90.5% of potentially old, old, centuries-old, ancient trees belong to the six categories of the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, of which 69.8% are under...
Furthermore, there are often many trees with the same greatest optimality, so that although they differ little, there may be no criteria to choose among them. It is evident that phylogenetic reconstructions must always be regarded to some extent as approximate. The second group of methods is ...
Each category cluster includes multidimensional category vectors for extracted categories from different hierarchical levels of the hierarchical structures. The taxonomic tree is generated with each category cluster inserted as a category node of the taxonomic tree. 展开 ...
By default, multiple-sequence alignment is performed by MAFFT92, gappy positions (that is, positions with more than 67% of gaps) are trimmed by trimAl91 and phylogenetic trees are inferred by RAxML97. Lachnospiraceae SGB4894 strain-level analyses For the Lachnospiraceae SGB4894 strain-level ...
We also included species from Ellery (2003) found in rainwater pans, margins of lakes, rivers and streams (excluding trees and shrubs with more terrestrial character) and confirmed their habitat and ecology based on Hyde et al. (2023), WFO (2023) and POWO (2023). All the ferns (Pterido...
Sites were also classified by region and subregion (according to United Nations classifications), with Middle and Southern Africa combined into a single category to increase the sample size. For each site, we calculated three measures of bee community diversity as our response variables: total abun...
after the common beginning of all life, scientists divide organisms into three large categories called a domain: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. Within each domain is a second category called akingdom. After kingdoms, the subsequent categories of increasing specificity are:phylum,class,order,family,...
strongly influenced by the characteristics of the host species (e.g., trophic level, feeding, trophic category, length body, weight body, etc.), which are crucial for the acquisition of parasites, primarily because parasites rely on trophic interactions to reach their hosts....
We also provide data for the relative abundance of species, geographic coordinates of specimens deposited in major herbaria around the world, whether the species is native or endemic, current hypothesis of geographic distribution, representative collections, and IUCN threat category for every species ...
Although the mental structure of "kind" concepts remains controversial, experimental studies of categorisation, particularly those of E. Rosch and colleagues, showed that concepts exhibit prototypical effects (Rosch1978). That is, the category of objects instantiated by a concept has a central collecti...