Budgeting your money and personal finance tips for savings, insurance, mortgage, home loans, taxes, down-payments for buying a new home and much more.
Do you pay taxes when you sell a house? Understand how to calculate your taxable gain, including how to adjust for your home's cost basis, the impact of home improvements, and strategies to maximize your home-sale tax benefits under IRS rules.
Buying Cryptocurrency and a Car Imagine you bought one Bitcoin (BTC) for about $3,700 in early 2019. In late February 2022, 1 BTC was worth $38,500, which you could have used to buy a car. There are tax implications for both you and the auto seller in this transaction: You must r...
How to File Taxes When Self-Employed More Getty Images Anyone who considers themselves self-employed is responsible for saving enough money to pay their taxes; however, there are a variety of exceptions for different circumstances. Key Takeaways: If you’re self-employed, you'll n...
Why buying and returning clothes can be an ugly practice. Erica SandbergFeb. 25, 2025 Grants for Black-Owned Businesses Access to funding and resources can make all the difference when building a business; if you're a Black entrepreneur looking for grants, mentorship or tools, check out thes...
Unlike buying a car or a television set, buying life insurance does not require the payment ofsales tax. This means the premium amount you, as the policyholder, are quoted when you obtain coverage is the amount you pay, with no percentage amount added to cover taxes. ...
While the wealthy are given many tax breaks, one of the most significant is that they do not have to pay a sales tax when buying stocks. When regular wage-earners go out and purchase something- whether a can of beer or a new car- they are taxed on their purchases, but because the ...
Work performed on anemployer's premisessuggests the employer's control over a worker, making the worker an employee. This is especially true when work could be done elsewhere. However, the mere fact that work is done off the employer's premises does not necessarily make the worker an independ...
If you own a car with an internal combustion engine, federal excise taxes are part of the fuel price, with different rates for regular unleaded, natural gas fuels, and diesel. Many items are taxed When we think of federal taxes, the first things that come to mind are the taxes taken out...
Calculate how your buying power has changed over the years. Maryalene LaPonsieJan. 23, 2025 What to Do if You Fall Behind on Bills The most important thing you should do is stay in touch with your creditors and prioritize your payments. ...