Wisconsin New York New York Massachusetts Maryland Virginia New Jersey Vermont New Hampshire Vermont Vermont Wisconsin Illinois Wisconsin Wisconsin San Mateo County Middlesex County Middlesex County Tolland County Fort Bend County Strafford County Ocean County Dane County Hartford County DeKalb County Chester...
WisconsinDepartmentofRevenue DivisionofResearchandPolicy March25,2004 COUNTYSALESANDUSETAXESPERCAPITA,1995AND2003 Countiesmayimposea0.5%salesandusetaxonthesametaxbaseasthestatesalesanduse tax.Currently,58countiesimposeacountytax.Also,BrownCountyimposesafootballstadium salesandusetaxatthesame0.5%taxrateandcounty...
Hell, the private sector cannot possibly do a worse job of that than the county, which did such a poor job that the Journtinel ran a series on just how poor a job the county did. We’re also troubled by his opposition to the Kenosha-Racine-Milwaukee commuter rail proposal, which even...