Nonprofit organizations are exempt from federal income taxes under subsection501(c)of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)tax code. Anonprofitorganization is an entity that engages in activities for both public and private interest without pursuing the goal of commercial or monetary profit. Nonprofit org...
Nonprofit charitable organizations are exempt from most taxes, including local property taxes, but U.S. cities and towns increasingly request that nonprofits make payments in lieu of taxes (known as PILOTs). Strictly speaking, PILOTs are voluntary, though nonprofits may feel pressure to make them,...
There are numerous ways tofile your taxesfor free, especially if you meet certain income requirements or have asimple tax return. Some programs are offered directly by the government, while others are through partnerships withtop tax software companiesor sponsored by nonprofit organizations. In 2025,...
Several federal programs, local resources and nonprofit organizations provide free tax help from trained staff or volunteers. Here are 12 resources for free tax help: 1. Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program The IRS manages the VITA program, which has been around for more than 50 years and is...
A not-for-profit organization, also known as a nonprofit, is an entity that is formed and operated for purposes other than making a profit. These organizations are typically dedicated to serving the public interest or advancing a specific cause. Charities, religious organizations, educational institu...
Qualifying as a nonprofit organization often comes with tax-exempt status so the Internal Revenue Service is involved. The rules can therefore be strict and a bit vague at the same time. The organization must "serve the public good" and it must apply for and be accepted for 501(c)(3) st...
Volunteer tax preparers working through nonprofit organizations can help you file your taxes for free if you earn less than $60,000 annually. For many households, this is an incredible opportunity. In addition to having a professional ensure your taxes are done correctly, you may learn about cr...
Water & Land Solutions A conservation easement is a way for landowners to retain ownership and use of their property, while also ensuring that the property’s resources are protected for future generations. In many cases, the easements are donated to nonprofit organizations, providing a nice tax...
Nonprofit charitable organizations are exempt from most taxes, including local property taxes, but U.S. cities and towns increasingly request that nonprofits make payments in lieu of taxes (known as PILOTs). Strictly speaking, PILOTs are voluntary, though nonprofits may feel pressure to make them,...
Water & Land Solutions A conservation easement is a way for landowners to retain ownership and use of their property, while also ensuring that the property’s resources are protected for future generations. In many cases, the easements are donated to nonprofit organizations, providing a nice tax...