Living On The Cheap POSTED BY Annie Logue If you’re looking to make this tax season easier than last year’s, or if your financial circumstances have changed, we have a list of resources for you to consider. Online:Filing your taxes online is easy, and it may be free if your income...
Johnson’s flying visits to all corners of the UK have done nothing to dispel the impression that under him the world’s most successful multinational state is devoid of a unifying purpose powerful enough to hold it together and to keep four nationalisms – Scottish, Irish, English and also ...
I used to have my taxes done by the accountants and often time I found mistakes. They do the taxes based on what I provide them and if something is missing or does not look right, they would not know or even ask. So, I started to do my own taxes using TT in the past 8 yrs. ...
Since 2013, I've let the city tax me back to my normal purchase price plus a ~2% a year catch up increase because the economy has thankfully recovered. I don't mind paying my fair share so long as it's just. After paying over $500,000 in property taxes since 2003, I've finally...
@Edward2; It was and still is a rant, you (and others) talked of being unable to change your vehicles(s), you have not explained why, all you have done so far is give weak excuses, not valid reasons – for example; “My car has seen its trade in value reduced by thousands as ...
Sites such as Point Hacks and Australian Business Traveller have done a lot of the work for you, so do take a look. Do your research before you spend your money as you might find a points affiliation (eg. earning points with eBay). The airlines are doing their best to win your ...