At present China hasn't established ecological taxation system aimed at protection of ecological environment so that taxation is unable to fully and effectively play its important role in protecting environment. Such factors are preventing taxation from functioning well as no special tax for protection ...
In China, the implementation plan of fuel tax has long been included in the planning of the government, but for various reasons, it has not been implemented so far. However, the introduction of fuel tax is of great significance to our country. First, it can stimulate people's reasonable co...
1914年毕业于哥伦比亚大学,博士论文为《清代中国的税收制度(1644-1911)》The System of Taxation in China in the Tsing Dynasty, 1644-1911。1914年回国,任职于财政部。1915年任职于北京盐务署,兼任北京大学法科教员。1922年前后任职于北京大学,经济学教授。1941年前后,任伪国立北京大学教授。1942年发表《读马尔瑟斯...
【好书共品】The System of Taxation in China in the Tsing Dynasty作者为毕业于美国哥伦比亚大学的民国著名经济学者陈兆鲲。为了向英语读者说清楚中国的税收情况,该书对清代的政府治理、财政制度、土地税、盐税等的描述和分析都是鞭辟入里、一针见血,读来让人耳目一新。OThe System of Taxation in China in ...
当当网System Taxation China Tsing 商务印书馆书籍经济史 当当网 The System of Taxation in China in the Tsing 商务印书馆 正版书籍 优惠价¥17.06价格¥17.06 发货地:北京 17.06元 去天猫购买 当当网官方旗舰店 进入天猫店铺 商品详情 去淘宝查看详情...
《The System of Taxation in China in the Tsing Dynasty,1644-1911》作者:商务印书馆,出版社:2015年12月 第1版,ISBN:24.00。陈兆鲲的《清代中国的税收制度(1644-1911)》,是作者在哥伦比亚大学的博士论文,是在E.R.A
3.The Factors Restricting Texation Structure and Selection of China′s Texation structure Mode;税制结构制约因素及我国税制结构模式的选择 4.A Study on the Structure of the Tax System;税制结构实证研究──兼论完善我国税制 5.On the Relativity between Taxing and Taxation System in China;我国宏观税负与...
To match national development goals and increase in the tax base, the government must embed a taxation system in economic and social contexts. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the development of taxation can be divided into three sta
5) The Research on Our Country s Guarantee System 我国保证制度研究6) Study on Tax Honesty of China 我国税收信用研究补充资料:保证保险 保证保险 保证保险是由保险公司经营的一种担保业务。保证保险的具体种类很多.但主要可分为:忿诚实保证.又称信用保证由于被保证方发生不诚实行为,如盗窃、诈骗、伪造、...