Tax History: The Whiskey Rebel Who Became Treasury Secretary: A Meta-Review By Joseph J. Thorndike | 01/01/2024 Joseph J. Thorndike examines the influence of early Treasury Secretary Albert Gallatin through a review of Gregory May's book, Jefferson's Treasure: How Albert Gallatin Saved the ...
and regulatory developments in the United States are reported in the weekliesTax NotesandState Tax Notes.John Eatwell,Murray Milgate, andPeter Newman(eds.),The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, 4 vol. (1987, reissued 1998), includes comprehensive articles on taxation and related topics....
the federal government has relied on estate and inheritance taxes as sources of funding. The modern transfer tax system, introduced in 1916, provides revenue to the federal government through taxes on transfers of property between living individuals—inter vivostransfers—as well as through a tax on...
“Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act” (FATCA) requires US citizens living outside the United States to disclose their non-US financial accounts and also requires non-US foreignfinancial institutions(FFIs) to report the identities of people with US person status in their accounts to the US treas...
the pilot program was expanded to include 14 additional provinces and regions, such as Jilin and Hainan. The project had expanded to achieve countrywide coverage by the close of 2016. The staged rollout of CTAIS-3 creates a quasi-natural experimental setting, allowing us to investigate the causal...
which states, “Democrats Abroad supports reforms to create a system of residency-based taxation that would remedy the vast majority of tax problems faced by US citizens abroad, prevent the use of offshore residence for tax avoidance, and be more administrable for the Treasury," as reported by...
Taxation of international executives: Malaysia March 2023 Table of contents 1 Overview and Introduction 4 2 Income Tax 6 3 Special considerations for short-term assignments 22 4 Other taxes and levies 24 5 Immigration Error! Bookmark not defined. Document Classification - KPMG Public 01 Overview ...
Of course, much of the tax burden created by these proposals will be borne by companies based in the US, and Ireland is the home to the European headquarters of many US technology corporations. There can be little doubt that the low level of Irish corporation tax (12.5%) has helped make...
As the example above notes, Bank of America's core income is from "Interest." #2 - Non-Operating Income (Other Income) source: Starbucks SEC Filings If the core income does not come from interest, it is non-operating interest income and comes under other income. All individuals, as well...
” As an illustration, consider an old dispute known as the “wine gallon–proof gallon” controversy (decided under a bilateral treaty rather than GATT). The United States imposed a specific tax per gallon on distilled spirits when they entered the stream of US commerce. Imported spirits ...