double taxes. For example, a company may be subject to taxes in its country of residence and also in the countries where it earns income through foreign investments for the provision of goods and services.
θi represents the preferred position of i over non-fiscal policies and is compared 6 to θQ, the position of the politician which can either be, the government in office in the election year G or the challenger C. The present expected discounted utility of individual i in period 1, with...
the main changes that occurred in this period are discussed below. Goodwill amortization Historically, corporate tax law defines goodwill as the positive difference between the acquisition price and the net equity of the acquired company. © 2014 KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG International")...
Policy reforms in geothermal energy resource development and utilization in the Philippines. GRC Trans. 2006, 30, 1097–1100. [Google Scholar] Budd, A.R.; Gerner, E.J. Externalities are the dominant cause of faltering in Australian geothermal energy development. In Proceedings of the World ...