2.ThisinstrumentismadebytheCommissionerofTaxation(theCommissioner)pursuanttosection15-15ofSchedule1totheTaxationAdministrationAct1953(TAA). 3.ThisisalegislativeinstrumentforthepurposesoftheLegislativeInstrumentsAct2003. Dateofeffect 4.Theinstrumentappliesfrom1September2007. ...
[609] Challenge to s 8AAZH of the TAA dismissed.(Taxation Administration Act 1953)(Brief Article)Hayes, Terry
Geothermal policy in the United States started with the California Geothermal Resources Act of 1967 and the Federal Geothermal Steam Act of 1970. The royalty structure was reduced as an added incentive as follows: for electricity production, the royalties were: 1.75% of gross proceeds for the ...