Click on the TaxAct promo code that you want to use and select “Copy.” Go to your shopping cart and head to the checkout. Look for the box labeled “Add Promo Code.” Paste your coupon code here and click “Apply.” How do I apply a TaxAct coupon in-store?
To redeem a TaxACT coupon code simple enter it in to the promo box before payment. Shipping Options TaxACT is an online only service allowing you to file your taxes directly online or through their software, which you can download for free. Paying for their service allows you unlock premium...
Top Tip : All our bestTaxAct Promo Code offers are listed here on MyDealsClub For Information about how to use aTurbotax promo codeClick here to get updated deals and discounts Before we get into the comparisons of these top preforming preparation software lets look at a deal for you so ...
Of course next year (2018 taxes), who knows what the tax code will be like after the Trump changes go into effect. 0 Reply Mike 8 years ago The current price (1/28/17) for TaxAct Plus is $25 for Fed + $35 for state for a total of $60!! I’ve used this program and ...