ortax-managedequityfundsintaxableaccounts andtoholdtaxablebondfundsintax-deferred accounts(Dammon,Spatt,andZhang,2004). 1 (Notethatinthispaper,unlessstatedotherwise, whenreferringtoindexfundsweareassuming broad-marketindexfunds/ETFs.) Purchasingbroad-marketindexequityfunds/ETFs ...
Tax Year The year during which one'staxable incomeis considered. That is, the tax year is any 12-month period during which a government calculates one'stax liability. Normally, this is simply the calendar year, but it may also be afiscal year. ...
B这句话本身就不对,咱们仔细看看B这个选项,B的意思就是我就不喜欢capital gain,就得要capital loss...
In U.S. tax, an individual'sincomeafter alldeductions. Individuals andcorporationsmay eliminate certainexpensesfrom their incomes for tax purposes. For example, if someone makes $30,000 per year and spends $4,000 on tuition for college, that person's taxable income is reduced to only $26,00...