The top 25 tax deductions for a small business in the 2025 – 2026 tax year, as outlined in this comprehensivetax deductions cheat sheet, can help business owners lower their income tax bills by claiming all the deductions relevant to their work. These toptax write-offswill help speed up th...
Travel and transportation is one of themost important tax write-offsfor real estate agents. Since most agents are constantly driving to and from listing appointments, showings, and open houses, it’s important to track and deduct transportation costs like mileage and fuel for your personal vehicle...
Can you write off a truck as a 1099? Yes, if you are a self-employed 1099 contractor truck driver (owner-operator), and your qualified non-personal-use semi-truck is in your business name and used for work, it’s fully deductible. This includes vehicle expenses, maintenance, and even i...
As an Uber driver, you are an independent contractor. Uber and Lyft do not provide a W-2 or withhold federal taxes from your earnings. As a result, you owe taxes when filing your federal income tax return. Taking advantage of tax write-offs for Uber and Lyft drivers can reduce the tax...