分析tax3生育保险.pdf,1. 2.医疗 3. 4.失业 5.工伤 假设 选择 基数=5000 社会 (个人 )=5000*8% *2% *0.1%=477.64 元转入个人 账户社会 (公司 )=5000*14% *6.2% *0.5% *0.4% *2%=1070.18 元转入 账户 住房公积金比例由公司自行决定。 假设 选择(1)住房公积金=5000 (2
28 bp tax report 2022 We reconcile the data from our CbCR table 1, where relevant, to the bp Annual Report 2022 (see page 33). Other information Introduction Our responsible tax principles Our total tax contribution Country by country report Country analysis Other information Country by country ...
Download the Tax Contribution Report 2023 (PDF) “One of the ways Shell makes a meaningful financial contribution to the countries where we operate is by paying taxes. This, our sixth, annual Tax Contribution Report is part of our drive to be transparent about the revenues and profits we have...
Table of contents Can I file an extension? When are taxes due if I file an extension? When are estimated taxes due? When is the last day to file taxes? When was Tax Day in 2024? When were taxes due if I filed an extension in 2024? The...
Revised figures for earlier years have been taken from China Statistical Yearbook, table 7.1 and 7.4, and partly recalculated. Citation formats Citation formats View options Other statistics on the topicGovernment finances in China Economy National debt of China in relation to GDP 2010-2029 ...
bp’s total tax contribution for 2023 was $46.2 billion (2022: $42.2 billion). This comprises the taxes we paid and collected on our global operations. We had operations in 61 countries in 2023. More than 98% of the total taxes we paid and 93% of total taxes we collected arose...
Part 2 Tax Residence Information Please complete the table indicating (i) the country(ies)/jurisdiction(s) where the Account Holder is/are Resident for tax purposes and (ii) the Account Definitions provided in this Self-Certification for an explanation on For more information on tax residence, ...
(2) Whenever a form or schedule without a return is received in Accounts Management and theoriginal return has posted, refer to the following table: (3) The following forms and schedules have specific procedures: Caution:Take extreme care when returning taxpayer information to ensure that only th...
1). During the randomization procedure, the firms were blocked by the statistical region and balanced on the key control variables (see Appendix B, Table 7 for descriptive statistics and balance tests). Consequently, the treatment messages were sent in three waves (one-third of the sample each...
The 2023standard deductionamounts are as follows: Single or married filing separately: $13,850 Married filing jointly: $27,700 Head of household: $20,800 The additional standard deduction for people who have reached age 65 (or who are blind) is $1,500 for each married taxpayer or $1,850...