Tags: asset seizure, auction, Bruce the Shark, Finding Nemo, IRS, IRS auction, rapper, seized property, tax, tax numbers, taxes, Tekashi 6ix9ine, unpaid taxes Feb. 3, 2025, is Tax Day for some extended 2023 tax returns Sunday, February 02, 2025 When severe weather leads to major disas...
In public, they prefer using the tax code as a tool for class-war demagoguery, and in private, they use it as a vehicle for auctioning off special provisions to their cronies. Share this: Print Email Facebook Twitter More Loading... Read Full Post » The Right Way to Adopt a ...
Here’s an easy-to-understand example. Gambling is basically illegal (other thangovernment-run lottery scams, of course) in my home state of Virginia. So they can arrest me (or maybeeven shoot me) if I gamble in the Old Dominion. I think that’s bad policy, but it would be far wors...
The IRS has the right to take your property in these countries and sell it at auction. No expensive or time consuming court action is required. Basically, the IRS has the same powers in these nations as it has at home. Another area of concern for the expat with a tax debt is the ...