1993 could be depreciated at 4% diminishing value or 3% straight-line, based on an estimated useful life of 50 years. The plant and capital equipment are depreciated at different rates, reflecting their economic life. Any depreciation claimed in the past is clawed back as income if a building...
There are new Tax Tracking Types to handle the Employee Share Scheme and Tax Rates, one each for the tax levels 10.5%, 17.5%, 30% and 33%. The process Create the ESS benefit as a Company Contribution: 1. The Expense account will be the account your ESS is charged to ...
Given that GST paid on the purchase of the inputs of zero-rated items is refundable, their effective tax rates would remain equal to zero. From a tax policy perspective, the proposed reform would significantly reduce the administrative and compliance costs of GST. The reforms could also ...