Investing a lump sum wisely can leave a lasting impact on your financial well-being. One effective way to utilize your tax refund for retirement is to pay down high-interest debt. While not a traditional investment, reducing credit card debt is an investment in yourself. The interest on ...
Using your income tax refund to pay off or pay down credit card debt can have longer-term financial benefits than simply reducing what you owe. It may benefit you the most to pay down the balance on a credit card with a high interest rate. Paying credit card debt can reduce your credit...
From checking out your local library to taking a nature hike, there are plenty of inexpensive and free ways to entertain yourself. Geoff WilliamsDec. 4, 2024 How Stretch Theory Can Help You Save Spend on what you want by tapping into as many cost-cutting techniques as possible. ...
It makes sense to use the "extra money" you receive to pay down your unpaid credit card debt, focusing first on the highest interest balances. That is, unless you have past due accounts that are incurring late fees on top of the interest, in which case you should ensure that those balan...
in Georgia on its clients about the status of their tax-stimulus checks and how they spent the money. The results depict that 82 percent of the respondents plan to save 20 percent or less of their tax-stimulus funds and the remaining respondents mentioned that they paid down card debt. ...
Pay with a credit card The IRS only acceptedabout a thirdof OIC requests in 2022. So, if you want to avoid penalties, you might considerpaying your taxes with a credit card. Of course, if your card has a high APR, you’re just trading one mounting debt for another. One option is ...
Learn about the IRS 1099 Form: See what it's for, who gets it, how to fix mistakes, the different kinds, and why e-filing makes it easier.
However, you should not prioritize retirement savings if you have high-interest debt, such ascredit card debt, because double-digit interest rates will wipe out any tax savings you might have enjoyed. The Bottom Line Pretax contributions enable you to earmark funds for a retirement plan using ...
When a card is purchased and activated, the criminals use it... Read more → Posted on Tuesday, December 03, 2024 at 06:56 PM in IRS, Paying taxes, Scams, Tax crimes, Tax fraud, Tax Tip, Taxes | Permalink | Comments (0) Tags: credit card tax payments, debit card tax payments...
Don't Overspend on Holiday Gifts Keep the holiday season joyful by spending only the amount you want on gifts this year. Erica SandbergNov. 21, 2024 An Elegant Budget-Friendly Thanksgiving If you want to elevate the Thanksgiving experience but don’t want to spend too much, take these tips...