tax- a tax on the estate of the deceased person death duty,death tax,inheritance tax transfer tax- any tax levied on the passing of title to property Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
The article reports that Bill Shorten, Australian Minister for Financial Services and Superannuation confirms that superannuation funs will be exempted from tax on pension stream assets under draft regulation from the Federal Government which amend income tax assessments.Moore...
estate tax 听听怎么读 英[isˈteit tæks] 美[ɪˈstet tæks] 是什么意思 释义 房地产遗产税; 英英释义 estate tax n.a tax on the estate of the deceased person 同义词:inheritance taxdeath taxdeath duty 学习怎么用 权威例句 The Effects of Property Taxes and Local Public Spending on...
helpcompletingthisapplication,phoneus on132866.Youmayalsowishtore ertoManagingthe taxa airso someonewhohasdied(NAT8705)availableat‘Forindividuals’,‘Individual’s homepage’,‘Yoursituation’,‘Othersituations’. SectionA:Detailso deceasedperson 2Whatwasthedeceasedperson’sdateo ...
Noun: a tax on the estate of the deceased person 近义词 临近词 inheritance tax 遗产税 death duty(英)遗产税 death tax遗产税上一篇 estate car 下一篇 estate agent estate tax是什么意思 estate tax在线翻译 estate tax什么意思 estate tax的意思 estate tax的翻译 estate tax的解释 estate tax的发音 ...
Though most home-sale profit is now tax-free, there are still steps you can take to maximize the tax benefits of selling your home. Learn how to figure your gain, factoring in your cost basis, home improvements and more.
Noun1.death tax- a tax on the estate of the deceased person death duty,estate tax,inheritance tax transfer tax- any tax levied on the passing of title to property Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
REIT investment increased throughout the 1980 s with the elimination of certain realestate taxshelters. 整个80年代,REIT投资在免去一些不动产税的庇护下不断增加. 互联网 展开全部 英英释义 Noun 1. a tax on the estate of the deceased person
Decedent is a legal term for someone who has died and is deceased.9It's often used in estate planning documents. But the individual's name lives on due to their financial obligations after death, such as paying taxes and debts and closing bank accounts. These responsibilities are typically ca...
Both levies are based on thefair market valueof a deceased person's property, usually as of the date of death. But anestate taxis levied on the value of the decedent's estate, and the estate pays it. In contrast, an inheritance tax is levied on thevalue of an inheritancereceived by th...