Take a quick breather and see how many of these tax-saving strategies can work to your benefit. The money you could potentially save might make the hassle more than worth it. For those who just can’t deal with this stuff, work with a trusted financial planner to help keep you on ...
Exit strategies involving IPOs present unique tax considerations and potential opportunities that can drive value to private equity funds and portfolio companies. Recently, IPOs undertaken via a SPAC have gained momentum and may have additional business and tax complexities. IPOs and the resurgence of ...
While the two major party presidential candidates have focused on corporations' overseas tax strategies, the Internal Revenue Service has been keeping an eye on individual taxpayers and their offshore accounts. Regardless of whether you call them tax havens, tax shelters or offshore accounts, they ...
Deloitte’s tax advisory professionals draw on deep collective tax knowledge, industry experience, and cutting-edge technology to advise you on your tax approach to transactions and business strategies. Whatever your business objectives, we can help you understand the potential tax consequences of your...
With local government budgets under pressure and more councils adopting commercialisation strategies, key stakeholders must have a strong grasp of financial information to aid sound decision-making. Inside local government budgets: finance teams and funding Article 22 Nov 2024 Councils deliver a host...
Working across assurance, consulting, law, strategy, tax and transactions, EY teams ask better questions to find new answers for the complex issues facing our world today. For further information, and to apply, please visit our website via the “Apply” button below....
We have established distinctive, aggressive strategies to address contentious tax matters, and are often engaged at the last minute to tackle issues that other law firms and accounting firms are unable to resolve. We represent clients in the following areas: IRS audits and administrative appeals. ...
This framework is designed to assist you in developing both your ownership and business strategies in a consistent and integrated way, reflecting that you sit at the heart of each of them, and that your agenda encompasses both. No matter where you are on your business journey, your PwC team...
or sale — integrated tax advice is critical. Deloitte helps private companies, their owners, and individuals with substantial assets apart from businesses they operate to understand, plan and execute effective business and tax strategies — adjusting course when needed to respond appropriately to potent...
Tax Administrations around the globe are asking the following questions: How can we increase the level of voluntary compliance by adopting enhanced compliance risk management strategies as cooperative compliance and taxpayer services? Can we indeed make our processes more efficient by implementing technology...