Tax Identification Number 关于美国的各种税号 A Tax Identification Number or TIN is an identifying number used for tax purposes in the United States. It may be assigned by the Social Security Administration or by the IRS (Internal Revenue Service 美国联邦税务局.) 税号或简称为“TIN”是美国的一种... Employer Identification Number (EIN), also known as a FEIN (Federal Employer Identification Number).雇主编号(EIN),也被称为FEIN(联邦雇主身份编号) SSNs are used by individuals who have the right to work in the US. SSNs被那些有权利在美国工作的个人使用或者申请。 ITINs are used by alien...
Information provided by PayPal is not intended to be and should not be construed as tax advice. For questions about your specific tax situation, please consult a tax professional. If you're asked to provide your Tax Identification Number (TIN), such as a Social Security N...
granting theNIPnumber(Tax Identification Number),request to the statistical office for granting [...] 随着公司在注册法院的注册申请, 理事会应要求税务办事处给与NIP号 (税务识别号), 要求统计办事处给与REGON号 (统计识别号)并向 ...
ITIN 个人税号所谓ITIN(Individual Taxpayer Identification Number,简称“ITIN”),是美国国税局(...
也有人说不填visa number和expiration date也没关系 6d Identification documents submitted 一般选passport. 用公证过的护照照片页即可。不需要签证页和I-94表格。当然有人说有签证页和I-94更好。 6e Have you previously received a U.S. temporary taxpayer identification number (TIN) or employer identification...
EIN,即美国雇主识别号码(Employer Identification Number),也称作联邦税号。美国的EIN号码适用于在美国境内注册的公司或者实体,在美国境外注册的公司或者实体以及个人 3、TAX ID 顾名思义,Tax ID,即税号,一般美国人或者欧洲人都会有一个Tax ID 4、VAT VAT是增值税(value added tax)的缩写,英国、德国、美国等都有...
aCissy also has told to me she has decided to arrange monthly meetings with us. I mean, LC with Ruo Lin. Her people will get in touch with our to arrange on next week Cissy也告诉了对她决定安排月会与我们的我。 我意味, LC与Ruo林。 她的人在下个星期将得到和我们保持联系安排[translate]...
When operating in Singapore, you’re assigned a unique Tax Identification Numbers (TIN) for tax filings, opening bank accounts and other matters.
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