Brazil tax ID fields: CNPJ– Enter the Brazilian tax identification number of customer or vendor (CNPJ). The value must be a 14-digit number in one of the following formats: XX.XXX.XXX/XXXX-XX or XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Note: This field is shown when you selectCompanyin theTypefield. CPF– If ...
Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, India, South Africa, Morocco, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Mexico, Chile, Brazil, Egypt, Kenya, Cambodia, Vietnam, Japan, Thailand, Ni
The following fields for Brazil tax IDs are provided by the Former Brazil Localization SuiteApp:CNPJ –Enter the company’s Brazilian tax identification number (CNPJ). The value must be a 14-digit number in one of the following formats: XX.XXX.XXX/XXXX-XX or XXXXXXXXXXXXXX State Tax ...
IndiaStateGstINId IndiaStateGstINId IndiaStateVatId IndiaStateVatId IntlExempt IntlExempt LoveCode LoveCode MobileBarCode MobileBarCode NationalIdentificationNumber NationalIdentificationNumber Other Other PublicSectorId PublicSectorId USExempt USExempt VatId VatId 中文...
Brazil 11-digit Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas (CPF) attributed to both national and resident taxpayers India 10-digit Permanent Account Number (PAN) Mexico 18-digit Clave única de Registro de Población (CURP), unique number issued by the Tax Administration Service ...
Stripe Tax helps you collect the tax identification number from B2B customers. You can automatically validate VAT IDs and ABNs for European and Australian customers, and apply a reverse charge or zero VAT rate when necessary. Showflix Pay Showflix €50.00 Digital subscription €50.00 Qty 1 ...
BahrainBHSocial security number❌❌✔️ BoliviaBOCI NumberNúmero de Identificación TributariaNúmero de Identificación Tributaria✔️ BrazilBRCPFBrazil Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Juridica (CNPJ)Brazil Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Juridica (CNPJ)✔️ ...
Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN) Legal entity: 12ABCDE123451Z1 Peru Registro Único del Contribuyente (RUC) Legal entity: 12345678901 Individual: 1234567890 Brazil Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica (CNPJ) Legal entity: 12.123.123/1234-12 Mexico Registro Federal de. Contribu...
Defines values for TaxIdentifierType. KnownTaxIdentifierType can be used interchangeably with TaxIdentifierType, this enum contains the known values that the service supports. Known values supported by the service Other BrazilCcmId BrazilCnpjId Brazi
CCMEnter the municipal registration number (CCM) of the legal entity. NITThe worker identification number. INSS_CEIThe Brazilian security number. CNAEEnter the national/regional classification code (CNAE) for the economic activity of the legal entity. ...