Tax Evasion vs. Tax Avoidance: Definitions and Differences Tax evasion means concealing income or information from tax authorities — and it's illegal. Tax avoidance means legally reducing your taxable income. Many, or all, of the products featured on this page are from our advertising partners ...
Difference BetweenTax Evasion vs Tax Avoidance↓↓↓上下滑动,查看演讲稿 ↓↓↓Every single time you buy something or you're paid by your employer a big chunk of the money will go to the taxman.Big corporations around...
tax avoidance:合理避税 (合法)tax evasion: 逃税, 漏税(非法)tax dodge:一般用tax dodging作名词,也是逃税漏税的意思
避税:taxavoidance 逃税:taxevasion 税基:tax base 直接税:Direct tax 间接税:Indirect tax 比例税率:Proportional tax rate 累进税率:Progressivetaxrate 累退税率:Regressivetax rate 税收归宿:Tax incidence 税收负担:Tax burden 税收转嫁:Ta...
tax evasion 是违法的, for example a directors of a family-owned company taking cash sales for thier own avoidance 是通过合法的会计操作来降低应纳税,避税在不同国家的会计准则下根据不同公司性质和不同的行业有不同的方法, 国际会计准则下,可以利用PPD revaluation(IAS 36),...
1. 国际避税 国际投资者为了追求利润,有可能采取某些国际逃税或国际避税(international-tax-evasion-and-tax-avoidance)行为。而各国 …|基于3个网页 例句 释义: 全部,国际避税 更多例句筛选 1. International Tax Evasion and Tax Avoidance in the Era of E-Commerce 电子商务环境下的国际逃税与避...
tax evasion对应的英文释义为:the crime of deliberately not paying all the taxes that you should pay。指利用非法的方法不缴纳应缴税款;而tax avoidance对应的英文释义为:the use of legal methods to pay the smallest possible amount of tax。指根据法定的减、免税规定少缴或不缴应纳税款。
evasion(巧记 Eva + sion行) 表示“躲避;规避;逃避;回避”,英文解释为“the act of avoiding sb or of avoiding sth that you are supposed to do”; tax evasion 偷逃税;派生词:evade v. 逃避;规避;evader 逃税者 ;evasive adj. 回避;推诿的 ...
Tax Avoidance vs. Tax EvasionAbney, GeorgeMonnin, PaulTax Executive
What's the Difference Between Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion? Tax avoidance is a legal way for taxpayers to avoid paying taxes. They can do so by using the tax credits, deductions, and exclusions that are part of the tax code to their advantage. Using these strategies can help them either ...