What's the Difference Between Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion? Tax avoidance is a legal way for taxpayers to avoid paying taxes. They can do so by using the tax credits, deductions, and exclusions that are part of the tax code to their advantage. Using these strategies can help them either ...
tax avoidance:合理避税 (合法)tax evasion: 逃税, 漏税(非法)tax dodge:一般用tax dodging作名词,也是逃税漏税的意思
Tax avoidance避税 避税是指纳税人在不违反税法规定的条件下,将纳税义务减至最低限度的行为。Ways of paying only the smallest amount of tax that you legally have to.Tax evasion逃税逃税是指纳税人违反规定不缴或少缴税款的非法行为。The crime of deliberately not paying all the taxes that you should ...
tax evasion / avoidance 逃税/避税 它的英文释义是 the deliberate failure to pay taxes (usually by making a false report) 故意不交税(通常通过做假报告来实现)。 另外一种表达是:tax fraud (fraud表示:欺诈) “tax”的名词意思是“税;税款”,如果想表达“XX税”,可以在后面加上介词“on”。 它的动词意...
逃税的英文是什么 逃税用英语怎么说 逃税怎么读 拼音:,拼音 [táo shuì] 逃税翻译:逃税的英文 tax evasion,逃税也可以翻译为 evade tax,还可以用 tax avoidance; dodge tax; evasion of taxation 表示逃税。 逃税的意思 逃税的翻译 逃税的解释 逃税的发音 逃税的辞典例句用法 逃税的词组短语 逃税意思是什么 逃税...
The difference between tax evasion and tax avoidance largely boils down to two elements: lying and hiding. “Tax avoidance is structuring your affairs so that you pay the least amount of tax due. Tax evasion is lying on your income tax form or any other form,” says Beverly Hills, Californ...
“逃税偷税”的英文是tax evasion。 英文释义是 the deliberate failure to pay taxes (usually by making a false report) 故意不交税(通常通过做假报告来实现) 另外,有个词大家很容易搞混,那就是tax avoidance 避税。 avoidance虽有“逃避”之意,但tax avoidance的英文释义是the minimization of tax liability by...
tax evasion 是违法的, for example a directors of a family-owned company taking cash sales for thier own expenditure.tax avoidance 是通过合法的会计操作来降低应纳税,避税在不同国家的会计准则下根据不同公司性质和不同的行业有不同的方法, 国际会计准则下,可以利用PPD revaluation(IAS 36),...
1. However among those enterprises, tax evation and tax avoidance happened frequently in recent years, which we cannot ignore. 对北京市外商投资企业偷漏避税的手段、成因及危害作了客观分析,提出了防范的具体法律措施。2) tax evasion 偷税漏税 1. It also probed the situ-ation of tax evasion in ...
避税:taxavoidance 逃税:taxevasion 税基:tax base 直接税:Direct tax 间接税:Indirect tax 比例税率:Proportional tax rate 累进税率:Progressivetaxrate 累退税率:Regressivetax rate 税收归宿:Tax incidence 税收负担:Tax burden 税收转嫁:Ta...