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This measurement error is likely to bias downwards the estimator of the impact. Second, the issue of which areas are considered as a valid control group is of paramount importance. Because of the quality of the data we use and because of the selection process of the ZFU, our paper ...
However, regardless of the estimator considered, our model is biased against finding a treatment effect and therefore is a conservative lower bound on the potential treatment effect. 5. Results 5.1. Baseline We start by estimating the difference-in-differences specification in Eq. 1 using the ...
To evaluate the validity of my results, I also perform several untabulated robustness and placebo tests. First, I test the parallel trends assumption of a difference-in-differences estimator using a dynamic trend analysis (Autor2003). Across tests of Eq. (1) and (2), I do not find statisti...
In short, the system-GMM estimator stands out as more efficient and consistent than 2SLS across a broad range of empirical conditions. The characteristics of this study also align well with several assumptions that underpin the use of system-GMM. As noted by Roodman [212], this estimation ...
Using the novel Fourier ARDL estimator, the long-run equilibrium estimates indicate that gross domestic product and environmental tax cause a fall in carbon emissions. However, in trade and primary energy use, a unit change caused rising carbon emissions in the UK. Especially, the results indicate...
The analysis concerning the effect of the shadow economy on tax transition reform has used an unbalanced panel dataset of 114 countries over the period from 1995 to 2015, along with the standard fixed effects estimator and the Method of Moments Quantile Regression (MMQR) with the fixed effects ...
Unlike conventional econometric estimation techniques, which fail to consider cross-sectional dependence and slope homogeneity in their estimation procedures, this study used the CS-ARDL estimator because of its ability to address heterogeneous issues, cross-sectional dependencies, and endogeneity problems. ...