YourdeclarationPartner’sdeclaration Ideclarethatthedetailsprovidedabovearecomplete andcorrect. Ideclarethatthedetailsprovidedabovearecomplete andcorrect. Yourpersonalinformationisprotectedbylaw,includingthePrivacyAct1988.Yourpersonalinformationmaybe collectedbytheDepartmentofVeterans’Affairs(DVA)forthedeliveryofgovernment...
Section F: Declaration Name o signatory Signature I declare that: ■ I am authorised by the deceased estate to complete this application on its behalf ■ the deceased estate is entitled to a tax file number, and ■ the information given on this form is true and correct. ...
• Draft Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment (Adequate Alternative Records – Car Travel to Employment Interview or Selection Test) Determination 2023 (LI 2023/D4) – which specifies records that the Commissioner will accept as an alternative to an employee declaration in respect of expense payment ...
August 2014 Tax code declaration Employer Do not send this form to Inland Revenue. You must keep this completed IR 330 with your business records for seven years following the last wage payment you make to the employee. Employee When you have completed your IR 330, give it to your employer...