pricingthegreenhousegasesemissionthroughtradingofthecarboncreditcertificates. Productionlinkedincentivesannouncedbythegovernmentfor selectmanufacturingsectorsaimtoincentivizedomestic manufacturingofACCbatteries,solarpanelsandother qualifyingactivities.AProductionLinkedIncentive(PLI) schemehasbeenproposedtoboostdomesticmanufacturingca...
Still no consideration or thoughts from Mr Gove and his like on the safe disposal of all the batteries. Nothing new there then just the same with turbine blades and solar panels. We seem incapable of forward planning and actually using the cause and effect process to determine that what seems...
All SectionsA: Sustainable EnergyA1: Smart Grids and MicrogridsA2: Solar Energy and Photovoltaic SystemsA3: Wind, Wave and Tidal EnergyA4: Bio-EnergyA5: Hydrogen EnergyB: Energy and EnvironmentB1: Energy and Climate ChangeB2: Clean EnergyB3: Carbon Emission and UtilizationB4: Nuclear EnergyC: En...