由以上定义中,可以看出,应税所得减免(tax deduction) 和免税(tax exemption)免的都是“应税收入(taxable income)”,即从应税所得中减免一定金额;而税额减免(tax credit)则是从应纳税款总额中扣除一定金额。所以,相比之下,税额减免要比应税所得减免和免税更为优惠,因为它直接减的就是应纳税款。下面...
income tax credit 英[ˈinkəm tæks ˈkredit] 美[ˈɪnˌkʌm tæks ˈkrɛdɪt] 释义 所得税抵免 实用场景例句 全部 The earned income tax credit ( EITC ) provides a subsidy to the wages of qualified low - income individuals. 所得税抵免提供一笔津贴给 低收入 的人...
fraudulent income tax returns虚假的所得税申报书 graduated income tax分级收入税 withholding income tax reture【法】 扣缴所得税报告表 special income tax特别所得税 相似单词 incomen.[C,U]收入;收益;所得 creditn. 1.[U]赊帐,赊欠 2.[U](经济上的)信誉 3.[U]银行存款(帐面余额) 4.[U]信用,信赖...
The meaning of TAX CREDIT is an amount of money that is subtracted from taxes owed. How to use tax credit in a sentence.
Earned Income Tax Credit(EITC),即劳动所得税扣抵制,是美国联邦政府针对低收入和中等收入个人及家庭实施的一项重
由以上定义中,可以看出,应税所得减免(tax deduction) 和免税(tax exemption)免的都是“应税收入(taxable income)”,即从应税所得中减免一定金额;而税额减免(tax credit)则是从应纳税款总额中扣除一定金额。所以,相比之下,税额减免要比应税所得减免和免税更为优惠,因为它直接减的就是应纳税款。 下面我们通过一...
credit 这词的用法很活,意思变化多。"tax credit"这里指的是“可退税额度”。用来奖励企业或普通纳税人做了政府鼓励的商业行为而设置的。美国的 "tax credit" 这种退税方式应用广泛。 有点象国内为企业所制定的出口退税的形式。不过有不少是针对普通纳税人的。http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm...
income tax credit 英 [ˈɪnkʌm tæks ˈkredɪt] 美 [ˈɪnkʌm tæks ˈkredɪt]n. 所得税抵免
Child Tax Credit (CTC) Mortgage interest credit(helps lower-income taxpayers afford a home)9 Refundable Tax Credits Refundable tax creditsare the most beneficial credit because they’re paid out in full. This means that a taxpayer (regardless of their income or tax liability) is entitled to the...