tax policyaffordable housingtax creditsThis paper evaluates the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program and suggests methods for improvement, concluding that the current program does not adequaSocial Science Electronic Publishing
The Affordable Homes Act is part of Governor Healey’s ambitious affordable housing strategy which dovetails with her July 2nd announcement of $27 million in Housing Development Incentive Program tax credit awards targeting Massachusetts “Gateway Cities” with smaller populations and households with lower...
Those affordable housing units were built with the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit, or LIHTC, a federal program established in 1986 that provides tax credits to developers in exchange for keeping rents low. It has pumped out 3.6 million units since then and boasts over half of all federally supp...
Be confident in your team’s LIHTC proficiency with Grace Hill. Our solutions help you master affordable housing and tax credit compliance.
Be confident in your team’s LIHTC proficiency with Grace Hill. Our solutions help you master affordable housing and tax credit compliance.
Be confident in your team’s LIHTC proficiency with Grace Hill. Our solutions help you master affordable housing and tax credit compliance.
Takingadvantageof4%taxcreditsforaffordablehousing MarkA.Curtiss MassachusettsHousingPartnership 4%LIHTC?What’sthat? PartofthefederalLow-IncomeHousingTaxCredit(LIHTC)program TwokindsofLIHTC:4%and9% 4%creditsareonlyavailableforaffordablerentalhousingprojectswithanallocationofprivateactivitytax-exemptbonds ...
These affordable housing developments often attract young professionals, working families, seniors or persons with disabilities who are unable to maintain a house but want to live independently. 9% Housing Tax Credit Program Determination of Credit Amount ...
Bringing new life to old buildings is the hallmark of the federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives program. CohnReznick can help maximize tax credit and tax credit equity proceeds, assess your deal structure based on the latest IRS code and guidance, and enhance the integrity of your transac...
The Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) represents a novel tax expenditure program that employs "investable" tax credits to spur production of low-income rental housing. While it has grown into the largest source of new affordable housing in the United States and its structure is now being ...