In that case you can maintain the condition record for Taxes, using VK11 with key combination as per your requirement. There will be different option available. In second case if you are using TAXINJ procedure then you can maintain the appropriate Tax condition against the relevant condition typ...
SAP PackageVS0C TypeP OVKB related transaction codes under SAP package VS0C OVSZ : C SD Table Field Sel.Mat.Field Grp. OVR7 : C_RV_Tab. TVIP VIP ID/AP OV84 : Credit card acc. det: Acc. sequences VCHECKT685A : Customizing Check Condition Types ...
When I assign access sequence and created a condition record for it VK11, it also didn't read the access sequence? In T030K the account determination is done as below. The question is 1. how can the tax code be read from access sequence or other place? I am getting this same err...
SAP Managed Tags: Internationalization and Unicode Hi, Create a condition record by T.code FV11 for any of the condition record in your tax procedure TAXINN and check that tax code in header and line item should be same. Also use T.Code: OBBG and assign ur tax procedure with ur count...
Condition record defines access sequence, and other characteristics about the condition Access Sequence Example Access Sequence defines field required to access a condition For example to find a condition for the entry below the system will use Country, Tax Code, and Tax Jurisdiction ...
CN_TAX_INVC_CODE: StringField<Cn_TaxInvoiceBindingRecord> = ... Defined in packages/vdm/incoming-vat-invoice-china-service/Cn_TaxInvoiceBindingRecord.ts:130 Static representation of the cnTaxInvcCode property for query construction. Use to reference this property...
1. In the customer invoice (F2), the tax condition is MWAI. The company code is PT10, destination country PT, Sales area PT10-01-10. Deliverying plant in item DE10. 2. The system is picking up condition record from either of the following access sequences. 2.1 Departure country (DE...
A jurisdiction code can be maintained within the supplier’s master record. This jurisdiction code is used as the ship-from tax destination.Sourcing and Procurement and Finance use country and tax codes to read tax condition records. The external tax procedure (0TXUSX) for the US calls ...
From the infotypeTax Data UK(0065) screen, create a new employee tax data record. If you are entering tax details after you have already used the employee’s data in a payroll run, enter the date on which you received these details. ...
in the my custom condition record. I have tried with Region field REGIO, but it picks up the tax code from vendor address state. I need to have tax code by Delivery address State (on line item) NOT vendor address state (Header). Anyone know which field should I pick in condition ...