A concept of tax law that taxes income at the time you could have received it, even if you don't actually have it. A paycheck you could pick up in December is considered constructively received and taxed in that year, even if don't get and cash the check until the following January. ...
The tax credit, which is scheduled to expire at the end of 2007, provides assistance to companies engaged in R&D activities, which have increased 20 percent cumulatively each year since 1990.EBSCO_AspMedical Device Daily
If assessments in a county or township do hit that mark, they are simply multiplied by 1, meaning they don't change. But if they fall short of 33 1/3 %, they will be multiplied by a number slightly greater than one. For example, in DuPage County — Illinois' second-largest ...
Microsoft is expected to move the data center after it fails to qualify for tax exemptions for manufacturing facilities. The San Antonio site is indicated to provide the company with lower cost electricity and taxes.EBSCO_bspChannel Insider
6月2日,韩国海军新型护卫舰(FFG-II)首舰“大邱”号在庆尚南道巨济大宇造船厂下水。该舰排水量2800吨,长122米,宽14米,高度34米,最大航速30节,可搭载一架直升机海上作业。该舰采用采用混合动力推进系统,具备防空、反舰、反潜及对地作战任务。2016-06-04 资料图 图集详情 支持键盘翻页 12345...