A tax classification is the classification of customers as tax liable or tax free etc. A tax classification will have a tax code which is configured in FI which will have the percentage of tax Configuration for tax category adn tax classification as follows. SPRO-SD-Basic Functions-Taxes---...
JTX1, JTX2, JTX3,JTX4 are default Tax Condition type for which Tax Classification requires to be maintained. However through configuration in Account Group, it can be made optional. These Tax Classification can also be used to maintain Condition record for pricing. Regards, Rajesh Banka You ...
Enter tax classification of the customer eg: 0 for tax exempt, 1 for liable for taxes. Save the configuration. Now in Customer master data>>Sales area data>>Billing Document screen you will get the tax category data. Enter relevant tax classification against that tax category. System considers...
system defaults the tax code maintained for the supplier in supplier master data. If multiple tax codes are assigned to the supplier, then the system defaults the tax code based on the service number in the purchase order, as maintained in the configurationSpecify Service Category Classification...
In theValuefield, specify the tax rate for the assessed tax. Set up budget revenue codes for land tax Go toCash and bank management > Setup > Payment order setup > Budget revenue classification. Create a budget revenue code for land tax. ...
Go to Cash and bank management > Setup > Payment order setup > Budget revenue classification. Create a budget revenue code for assessed tax. Select the SSGS check box to indicate that the budget revenue code belongs to the Standard System of Gas Supply (SSGS)....
2.1-Set the tax Jurisdiction Option in the customer master data In customer master under sales area tab, go to tax classification field and maintain zero there. Now system will not give any error message. Also, ensure that for this combination, in VK11 and for the condition type UTXJ, you...
Azure Center for SAP Solutions 1 AzureSentinel 3 BADI 1 Bank 2 BAPI_PO_CREATE1 1 BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2 1 batch characteristics 1 Batch Classification 1 batch Determination 1 Batch Management 1 Best Practice 1 Billing 1 BRF+ 1 BRFPLUS 1 Budget for PRs 1 Bundle...
How to clear line for Vendor down payment for GST India?Following are the steps involved in for Vendors Down payment: First, configure Vendor down payment. Now execute the t-code F-48. Now the GST wil ...
21. Is it possible to do the TAXINN configuration in TAXINJ procedure itself, if I am currently using a limited number of tax codes? Ans:By changing the access sequence of existing condition types in TAXINJ, one can achieve the migration. Other India related settings (e.g., Classify Cond...