When you start your own business, knowing the income tax implications of your decisions can save you money and headaches. Learn about paying estimated income taxes, keeping track of expenses and how to take a tax deduction when you use your car for busin
A major consideration for anyone starting a business, or whose business has grown beyond a certain size, is choosing the right structure for tax purposes. This article compares how sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies (LLCs), C corps, and S corps are taxed and how bu...
Starting your own business has always been the American dream. To be your own boss and earn a living by doing what you love definitely has its benefits. But the possible high costs associated with going out on your own can prove to be a hurdle. The good
if you want family members to share in the success of your business, plan for that when you’re starting out, because it can allow each member to claim a capital gain exemption when the
Starting a tax business has many benefits, including high income potential and minimal start-up costs. Surgent Income Tax School can help guide & grow your business today.
If you run a small business corporation or are self-employed as a sole trader, it’s important to register as a taxpayer with the South African Revenue Service (SARS). This ensures that you or your business can pay any tax owed as well as receive business benefits. The South Africa tax...
The government also paid more than $546 billion in Medicaid and Medicare benefits. Those programs pay for health and medical care to people who cannot afford it, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. 12. According to the article, which of the following statements is TRUE A...
Part of the Series Understanding Small Business Taxes: A Comprehensive Guide Self-employed people have extra costs that they have to bear as they do business. But there are numerous deductions that can soften the blow when tax season comes around. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA introduced...
I explained the benefits of a flat tax in a video 14 years ago. And I’ve since shared two videos (here and here) of Steve Forbes arguing for a flat tax. If those are not enough, here’s a recent presentation I made about tax reform for Argentina’s Fundacion Internacional Bases. I...
Claim of undue influence by an employee who has voluntarily retired and accepted benefits, not acceptable. Recovery of excess payment of allowance due to adoption of wrong principle and erroneous calculation of salary not permissible. No differentiation permissible between regular and contractual employees...