Boom! "It is just a storm.It can't hurt you,"Bunny said. But Hoppy looked scared. "I can give you a big hug,"Bunny said to Hoppy. "A hug will make you feel better." 雷声轰隆隆地来了。 “只是一场暴雨,它不会伤害你的。”邦尼说...
Someone you meet for the first time when you have a date with them. Date 作名词时,意思为“约会、日子、日期、约会的对象”; 作动词时,意思为“与人相约,记载日期于...”。 下面是网友在Twitter吐槽相亲时遇到的尴尬场面 ,你遇到过吗? 1. 我朋...
You should keep that paint - it might come in useful one day. 你应该留着那些油漆——说不定哪天会派上用场。 Extra blank paper will probably come in useful. 额外的空白纸可能用得着。