Probably in cirrhosis there is especially a decrease in the synthesis of ALA D, and lead intoxication the enzyme is inhibited.doi:10.1016/0009-8981(77)90305-9P AllainV.E FoussardJ BoyerElsevier B.V.Clinica Chimica Acta
44 patients were assigned at random to two different groups, one taking 300 mg t.i.d. tritoqualine for three days, and the other taking a placebo. The histamine levels were measured before the treatment and 12 h after the last dose of the drug after haemolysis of the sample, by the ...
In the end, the lack of transfusion may be more harmful than transfusion. The balance between patients' needs and blood centres supplying is always delicate...doi:10.1016/j.tracli.2017.06.337Py, Jean-YvesBarnoux, MurielleRetour Au Numéro...