Philip Howard b :an instance of such repetition The phrase "a beginner who has just started" is atautology. 2 logic:a statement that is true by virtue of its logical form alone A logical combination of sentences that is always true, regardless of the truth or falsity of the constituent se...
Types of tautology There are two main types of tautology. One is relevant in the context of rhetoric, the other in the context of formal logic. Rhetorical tautology A rhetorical tautology is theredundantrestatement of an idea of concept. ...
Kids Definition tautology noun tau·tol·o·gytȯ-ˈtäl-ə-jē pluraltautologies :needless repetition of an idea, statement, or word also:an instance of such repetition "a beginner who has just started" is atautology
In grammar, it’s repeating an idea, statement, or word — but using different words, or synonyms. In rhetoric and logic, a tautology is a little like a circular argument. It’s something that’s unconditionally true by virtue of logic. Let’s take a closer look at the different tautol...
Definition of Tautology A tautology states the same thing twice in slightly different wording, or adds redundant and unnecessary words. Tautological reasoning is logic that uses the premise as the conclusions, or is too obvious as to be necessary. For example, saying, “When we get a pet we ...
tau•tol•o•gy/tɔˈtɑlədʒi/USA pronunciationn., pl.-gies. [uncountable]needless repetition of an idea in different words, as in " widow woman.'' [countable]an instance or example of such repetition. Logic.a statement that is inherently true because of the meaning of...
The central issue of inference validity, that guarantees the correctness of reasoning and thus that of derived knowledge, depends on the definition of both implication operator and tautology. This paper studies the modus ponens validity in the case of Intuitionistic Fuzzy logic, in an experimental ...
Tautology Definition In logic, a tautology is a statement which istrue by its owndefinition, and is therefore fundamentally uninformative. Logical tautologies use circular reasoning within an argument or statement. Quotes on the tautological nature of language...
in logic [..] Hit me with some more lame tautology, Socrates. Pogodi me sa još jadnijom tautologijom, Sokrate. zalihost noun feminine uncountable: redundant use of words Now that's a tautology, lad. To ti je zalihost, momče. re...
True, since by the definition of tautology: From wiki A formula of propositional logic is a tautology if the formula itself is always true regardless of which valuation is used for the propositional variables So we can see from the truth table that p,q,γp,q,γ are all true therefore ...