But being able to identify them means you at least won’t drive your readers crazy. In this post I’ll look at a bunch of tautology examples and dissect them so you can spot them a mile away. But first, let’s take a look at the definition. What Is A Tautology? In literary terms...
Examples: Fixing tautologous statements I’m arriving at 6 a.m. in the morning. [a.m. means “in the morning”] I’m arriving at 6 a.m. I’m arriving at 6 in the morning. Aaron made an unintentional mistake. [mistakes are always unintentional] ...
Some Harder Examples of Tautology Thereasonisbecausehe left during the dinner. (The word "because" doesn't add anything. It means "for the reason that.") He wasthe reason whyI left the job. (This example can be corrected by removing "the reason" or "why." They do the same job. "...
We use tautology examples all the time in everyday conversation, often without realizing it. Any time you start a sentence with “In my opinion, I think…” this is a tautology, since it’s clear that if you “think” something it must be your opinion. There are also plenty of tautolog...
tautology noun tau·tol·o·gytȯ-ˈtäl-ə-jē pluraltautologies :needless repetition of an idea, statement, or word also:an instance of such repetition "a beginner who has just started" is atautology tautological ˌtȯt-ᵊl-ˈäj-i-kəl ...
The Difference Between 'i.e.' and 'e.g.' How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'?
Tautology is the needless repetition of a single concept. In other words, it is saying the same thing twice in different words. The following are examples of tautology: a single bachelor, PIN number, ATM machineAssociated Lesson This video is a summary of the following lesson: ...
Examples from the Corpus tautology•To me it was immediatelyapparent, atautology, averbalredundancy.•It is therefore either atautologyor afallacyto state thatlackof entrepreneurialtalentis the reason for poorgrowth.•Agrosstautologyis at work here.•Theutteringofsimpleandobvioustautologiesshould,...
I raised my hand and said, "Mr. Smith, can you give us moreexamples?" He smiled and said, "Sure. How about 'true fact'? A fact is already true, so saying 'true fact' is a tautology." One of my classmates, Lily, chimed in, "Oh, I get it! So 'final end' is also a ...
Examples of metaphor, irony, understatement and tautology are presented. In metaphor, the discrepancy between the ordinary reference of a term and its metaphoric use can be an instrument of specifying an attitude for the receiver. Unresolved contradiction can be useful in comprehending metaphors in ...