Taurus is a zodiacal constellation found to the right (west) of the constellation Orion, and represents a snorting bull charging the giant huntsman from Greek mythology. Taurus is the 17th largest constellation in the entire night sky, with its brightest star, Aldebaran, depicting one of the bul...
the Sumerian goddess of sexual love, fertility, and warfare. One of the oldest depictions shows the bull standing before the goddess' standard; since it has 3 stars depicted on its back (the cuneiform sign for "star-constellation"), there is good reason to regard this as the constellation ...
The other notable stars in this constellation or the Crab Nebula, the Pleiades and Hyades star clusters.This constellation is one of the largest constellation in the northern hemisphere and was first found by Ptolemy. It is an old constellation and it marked the Spring equinox in the Bronze Age...
Imagine you didn't recite the names of the months in kindergarten; instead you learned about the year through the sky, watching the morning stars rise. When Aldeberan appeared - the brightest star in the Taurus constellation - you knew at six you would finally get your bicycle. When Rigel ...
Tucked away in a star-forming region in the Taurus constellation, a pair of circling stars are displaying some unexpected differences in the circumstellar disks of dust and gas that surround them. A new study led by researchers at Lowell Observatory, combining data from the Atacama Large Millimet...
Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac. Its name is Latin forBull. The sun passes through this constellation from mid-May to late June; therefore its best observed in the early wintertime. The red star alpha Tau, called Aldebaran, represents the glowing eye of the bull and white star be...
The wrist is also an ideal location for smaller tattoo designs, such as the Taurus symbol or a minimalist constellation. This placement offers a discreet yet easily visible option, allowing you to showcase your zodiac sign when desired. This location can also serve as a daily reminder of your...
23♊24 24♊06 119 Tau Ruby Star M2 4.32 1°10′ 24♊47 25♊30 ζ Tau Al Hecka B1 2.97 1°50′ Ascendant in Taurus Constellation Taurus endows the individual with great determination and fixity of purpose and once having decided upon a course of action, it is almost impossible fo...
Your horoscope Zodiac sign is where the sun was at the time of your birth. That’s why it’s called your Sun Sign. It’s also called Star Sign, because of the stellar constellation it represents. Click the header to read more about the twelve Zodiac signs and what they tell about pers...
The second sign of the zodiac, Taurus falls in mid-spring. The sign's dates are generally from April 19 to May 20. What is Taurus' symbol? About the bull Taurus is illustrated by the bull. The constellation of Taurus the Bull is situated in the night sky near Orion — and thepersonal...