The term “band gap” refers to the energy difference between the top of the valence band to the bottom of the conduction band [3,4]. The energy gap is a pivotal characteristic of the electronic structure of materials and ultimately decides about their potential application in devices [2,4,...
Band-gap determination from diffuse reflectance measurements of semiconductor films, and application to photoelectrochemical water-splitting Tauc plotBand gapSolar hydrogen productionMeasurements of the diffuse reflectance of TiO 2 semiconductor coatings, such as are used for water splitting, are... AB ...
In this study, we examine the reproducibility of Tauc plot slopes for ZnO as a model direct-gap material and compare these experimental values with the theoretically derived slope. In contrast to the band gap accuracy, the experimental slope values varied by several orders of magnitude. The ...
导带(Vonduction Band,CB):费米能级以上的称为导带,导带能量最低的地方称为导带底(CBM,Vonduction band minimum); 带隙(Energy gap):CBM和VBM之间的宽度称为带隙,一般用Eg表示,详情可见图1所示。 功函数(Work function):电子从费米能级转移到真空能级所需要的能量,其大小标志着束缚电子的强弱,功函数越大电子...
Share on Facebook AcronymDefinition TAUCTuna Académica da Universidade de Coimbra(Portuguese Universitary musical organization) TAUCThe Association of Union Constructors TAUCTransAtlantic Uncertainty Colloquium TAUCTotal Area under the Curve TAUCThe American University in Cairo(Egypt; usually seen as AUC) ...
The square root of the product of absorption coefficient (alpha ) and photon energy (E) (y axis) is plotted against photon energy and the slope (b) equals delta y/delta (E -Et) where Et is the band gap. The plot is repeated for the dopant layer to be tested using spectral ...
Our examination of the band gap values and their distribution leads to a discussion of some experimental factors that can bias the data and lead to either smaller or larger apparent values than would be expected. Finally, an easily evaluated figure-of-merit is defined that may help guide more...
Tauc analysis is popularly used for the determination of optical band gap by extrapolating the linear portion of the Tauc's plot and finding its intersection point at energy axis. In most of the studies, the data points in the linear portion of the Tauc's plot are selected manually, which ...
(B) UV-Visible absorbance spectra of of GO and Gr@ZnO-Nc. (C) Tauc plot depicted the energy band gap (Eg) of ZnO NPs and Gr@ZnO-Nc. (D) TGA and DTA spectra of Gr@ZnO-Nc.Mo...
Our examination of the band gap values and their distribution leads to a discussion of some experimental factors that can bias the data and lead to either smaller or larger apparent values than would be expected. Finally, an easily evaluated figure-of-merit is defined that may help guide more...