恭喜小姜正式加入Tau Sigma Honor society 美国百年国家荣誉社区 作为唯一的国际学生和中国人我好骄傲哈哈哈哈🙋🏼♀️✨💕 #姜‘s日常##姜姜VLOG# http://t.cn/R2WxsCs
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of NursingSherrilyn Coffman
2025年西格玛(Sigma)第36届国际护理研究大会将于2025年7月17-20日在美国西雅图举行。 西格玛国际荣誉护理协会(Sigma)创始于1922年,现在全球100多个国家和地区拥有超过135,000名活跃会员。Sigma的使命是支持致力于改善全球健康的护士的学习、知识和专业发展。未经许可禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-国际医学会议网(lingyuint...
The official of the university has reported to us that you are an English major who meets the high standards for membership in Sigma Tau Delta. As is known, Sigma Tau Delta was founded in 1924 at Dakota Wesleyan University. It is an international collegiate honor society for students of Engl...
Celebrities Who Were in Alpha Phi 29 Celebrities Who Were In Sigma Chi 34 Celebrities Who Were in Lambda Chi Alpha 15 Celebrities Who Were in Delta Zeta 33 Celebrities Who Were in Chi Omega 18 Celebrities Who Were in Alpha Omicron Pi 20 Celebrities Who Were Tri DeltasTRENDING...
期刊名称:《Journal of nursing scholarship: an official publication of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing》 | 2015年第5期 关键词: Allied healthcare assistant; burnout; hospitals; intention to leave; job satisfaction; work environment;10...
Dellasega, Cherylebrary, IncSigma Theta Tau International, Honor Society of NursingDellasega C. When Nurses Hurt Nurses: Recognizing and Overcoming the Cycle of Bullying. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International; 2011... C Dellasega,I Ebrary - Sigma Theta Tau International, Honor Society...
In ten years Pi Tau Sigma grew to six chapters in the Midwest (Illinois Alpha, Wisconsin Alpha, Purdue Beta, Minnesota Gamma, Illinois Delta, and Missouri Epsilon). In 1925 the expansion continued to the east with the Penn State Zeta Chapter being installed. Six years later the Texas Kappa...
Eight new members were inducted into Phi Sigma Tau, Utah gamma chapter. They were: Justin Campbell, Jadyn Carter, Timothy Cutler, Chase Randall, Al Roberts, Logan Sanders, Justin Tirrell, and Taylor Wyatt. The ancient rites were performed, all traditions observed, and all honors bestowed. Congr...
Sigma Theta Tau International honor society of nursing.(Kappa Tau Chapter News)Cordes, Mari