中文:物理学中的tau有时用来表示粒子的平均寿命。 英文:In physics, tau is sometimes used to represent the mean lifetime of a particle. 中文:工程师在计算切应力时可能会用到tau这个符号。 英文:Engineers may use the symbol tau when calculating shear stress. 英文同义表达: 第一条:在特定上下文中,“t...
4. is used as an alternate notation for the golden ratio . 5. As a characteristic time for exponential decay or growth, i.e., . The symbol also has a number of other different meanings in physics, for example the tau particle, tau neutrino, as a symbol for torque, etc. See...
The shape of the latter had its origin in ancient Chaldea, and was used as the symbol of the god Tammuz (being in the shape of the mystic Tau, the initial of his name) in that country and in adjacent lands, including Egypt.” 后者的形状源于古代的迦勒底,在这个国家和邻近的国家里,包括...
Our study uses particle-level MC events for the various physics processes of relevance. In Sect. 2.1 we describe briefly the simple parameterised simulation of detector performance we use in the study of the proposed double-ratio analysis method. We describe also the variations in detector performan...
The leptons that couple directly to the HNL (indicated with the symbol ℓ) are restricted to the SM generation that couples with the HNL, whereas the leptons from the W and Z boson decays (indicated with the symbol ℓ′) can be from any SM generation. Due to the assumption of an ...
guy on that talked about Germans being on Nellis Air Force Base. He said that they wear black uniforms with their country flag on it, and below the country flag was an unusual symbol. I have read your publications about Dr. Dan and have heard the same thing from a couple of my ...
At ATLAS the symbol is used to designate light leptons (electrons and muons). 3 Physics with Tau Lepton Final States in ATLASMichel Trottier-McDonald, on behalf of the ATLAS collaboration. Collimated showers of pions coming directly fromthe primary interactions are called multijets, ...
Within the framework of the μνSSM, a displaced dilepton signal is expected at the LHC from the decay of a tau left sneutrino as the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) with a mass in the range 45–100 GeV. We compare the predictions of this scenario with the ATLAS search for long...
which can give rise to sig- nificant BRs for decays to3 ττ and τ , once the sneutrinos are dominantly pair-produced via a Drell-Yan process medi- 3 In what follows, the symbol will be used for an electron or a muon, = e, μ, and charge conjugation of fermions is to be under...
As an example, for scenario 4 given in the last dataset of Table 5 (with Re(CS2) and Re(CV1)), the symbol for the constraint column is ‘✓✓ !’. The corresponding plot in Fig. 1e shows that out of the four possible minima, only two are outside the shaded regions. Interest...