Tau is a Palian dog owned by Hassian the Hunter in the world of Palia. Many players have wished that they could make Tau their pet, but unfortunately, that is not possible. However, with the new update of Palia, players can now befriend Tau to gain even more free loot items from him...
1 year ago on September 13, 2023 By Abdul Rafay Palia’s new quest, Plumehound Pilgrimage will allow players to find the entrance to the Temple of the Flames by finding and following Tau’s Trail. To initiate the quest, players will have to talk to Hassian to learn about the disappeara...
There are several new quests that players will get to complete in the latest patch of Palia. As the ability to befriend Tau has been added to Palia, one of the friendship quests that players will have to complete for Eshe is “Not-So-Good Boy”, in which players will have to find ...