This study aims to find the concept of Emergency HTN regulation in the perspective of non-natural disasters based on the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945, this study is studied normatively using a statutory approach (Statutte Approach) and a concept...
PENGAKUAN TANDA TANGAN PADA SUATU DOKUMEN ELEKTRONIK DI DALAM PEMBUKTIAN HUKUM ACARA PERDATA DI INDONESIA (berpendapat dokumen elektronik yang ditandatangani dengan tanda tangan elektronik, hanya mempunyai kekuatan pembuktian dibawahtangan, karena tidak memenuhi syarat sebagai akta otentik, yaitu tidak ...
PENEGAKAN HUKUM PERSAINGAN USAHA DI INDONESIA MELALUI HARMONISASI PUBLIC ENFORCEMENT DAN PRIVATE ENFORCEMENT [Competition Law Enforcement in Indonesia through the Harmonization of Public Enforcement and Private Enforcement] fungsikan fungsi kompensasi dari KPPU kepada pelaku usaha melalui private enforcement ...
tatabahasa pula ialah hukum atau peraturan berbahasa yang bersistem更多: 翻译结果(简体中文)1: 语法是语言的法律或法规的系统更多:。 翻译结果(简体中文)2: 本翻译引擎更多:,不支持由 马来语 >> 简体中文 的翻译。
The factors cause havc patrimonialism, family capitalism, crony capitalism and also have to carefully when implementation Corporate Governance Procedure in Indonesia.TasmanUlfanoraJurnal Ilmu Hukum, Humaniora dan Politik (JIHHP)
IMPLIKASI PENOLAKAN LAPORAN KETERANGAN PERTANGGUNG- JAWABAN KEPALA DAERAH DALAM PERSPEKTIF HUKUM TATA NEGARAThe Format of Indonesia Local Government that change with implementation Law Number 32 year 2004 concerning Local Government replaces Law Number 22 year 1999 concerning Local Government, the one ...
PRINSIP TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN YANG BAIK DALAM HUKUM POSITIF INDONESIA DAN IMPLEMENTASINYA PADA EMITEN BUMNThis research discusses the good corporate governance principles in State – Owned Enterprises as emiten in Indonesian positive law and its implications ...
PEMAHAMAN TENTANG MATERI HUKUM PADA MATA PELAJARAN PPKn DAN KETAATAN PADA TATA TERTIB SEKOLAHObjective of this research was to have empirical data on Relation Between Comprehension on Law Material on of Subject of PPKn with Obedience To School Regulation at SMAN 3 Jakarta. This research was ...
The referendum which was held on March 16, 2014 with the result 96,77% Crimean people choose to combine with Russia, has created pros and cons. On pro side, Crimean people has the right of self determination and that right has been as...
Upaya Hukum Tata Usaha Negara Terhadap Polemik Penganugerahan Gelar Kehormatan Akademisdoi:10.20473/mi.v7i2.51276The awarding of honorary academic degrees in the form of a chancellor's decision always gives rise to positive and negative assessments from academics and the public....